Evaluation of productivity in the canned fish packaging thread applying Six Sigma





Six Sigma, , Productivity, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Statistical Control, Packaging Process


The general objective of this research was to increase the productivity in the packaging sub-process by applying the Six Sigma methodology in Fishery KARSOL SAC, being the type applied with a pre-experimental design, the population was composed of the productivity of the process in the cooking line and the sample was the productivity of the packaging process. For the data collection of the independent variable, the observation technique with the temporal registration instrument was used, in addition to the document analysis technique with the registration matrix instrument, and for the dependent variable, the data analysis technique with the Registration Matrix instrument to organize production. data reports. Initially there was an efficiency of 0.890, efficiency of 83 boxes / hour and productivity of 75 boxes / hour with a sigma level of 1.4, after treatment there was an increase of 9% in productivity, efficiency of 0.889 and efficiency of 91 boxes / hour reaching a sigma level of 2.4, which indicates an improvement in the packaging thread, that is, the packed weights are close to the values ​​stipulated by the company for the beautiful fillet product


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How to Cite

Gómez Mattos, C. A., Alva Acosta, N. Y., Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C., & Rojas Chavez, S. B. (2021). Evaluation of productivity in the canned fish packaging thread applying Six Sigma. INGnosis, 7(2), 14–25. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v7i2.2181



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