The planning in the logistic management and productivity of the chicken feed terminator I-II. Food company Redondos S.A.




Planning, Aggregate plan, Master plan, Requirement plan, Productivity


The objective of the present investigation was to determine the influence of the planning in the logistic management and the productivity of ChickenfeedTerminator I-II, in the FoodCompanyRedondos S.A. A total of 52 weeks was established as the target population. The production aggregation plan, production master plan and materials requirement plan were made using the AutoCAD 2017, Excel 2013, Minitab V17, XL Stat Pro 2014 and WinQSB V2.0 programs. The main results of the study were that planning in logistics management reduced S /. 622 764.32 a S /. 196 408.88. Productivity in logistics planning for 2015 was 0,3539 ton/soland it is estimated that by 2016 it will be 1,12 ton/sol, with 100% balanced feed efficiency. 394 408 tonnes of feed were determined in the PAP and in the PMP 220 402.3 tonnes and the MRP supplies 125 191.83 tonnes of maize and 50 018.50 tonnes of soybean cake. All this allowed us to conclude that planning in logistics management influences productivity, overall cost reductions were 426 355.44 soles and increased productivity favors profitability.


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How to Cite

Espinoza León, C. O. ., Gutiérrez Ascón, J. E. ., & Morales Farías, E. N. . (2017). The planning in the logistic management and productivity of the chicken feed terminator I-II. Food company Redondos S.A. INGnosis, 3(1), 159–168.



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