Challenges of qualitative constructivist research in university classrooms
Challenges, Qualitative Research, Transformation, Academic Training, Design ThinkingAbstract
The transformations of the socio-legal sciences in the countries of Central America and Latin America in the last three or four decades have implied technological and generational dimensions and have occurred within the framework of greater incidences of openly productivist science and technology policies and positioning of the managerial model of the university-company. This research addresses constructivist epistemology as the guiding base of the research methodology based on design thinking, understanding that the human being is an active constructor of his reality in interaction with others; This position is complemented with related tools and instruments according to the contributions of Piaget, Vygotski and Ausubel, thus avoiding procrastination, that is, the postponement or postponement or habit of delaying activities or situations that must be addressed, replacing them with other more irrelevant situations, either out of fear. or laziness to face them; the reprocessing of poorly executed activities or, in the worst case, the abandonment of the effort already started, together with adequate planning that must be sufficient, in such a way that key activities are not neglected, that they are not underestimated the necessary resources (time, money and people) are not underestimated, that there are tools that allow the achievement of the objective, in affront to the phenomenon informally called Everything Less investigation (All But Dissertation or ABD). Ultimately, the application of the constructivist approach incorporates the exercise of creative processes strongly linked to personal motivation and the willingness to overcome obstacles, citing to say the least that of “How to do a thesis and not grow old trying”.
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