Espergesia <p><strong>ISSN</strong>: <a href="">2312-6027</a> (Impreso) <a href="">2410-4558</a> (En línea) <strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="">10.18050/esp.2014</a></p> <div id="2-10.18050/esp.2014-badge" class="oslBadgeContainer oslBadgeHidden"><span class="oslBadgePopupButton"><img class="oslBadgeImg" src="" /></span></div> <p><strong>Espergesia</strong> is a scientific journal dedicated to the areas of Social Sciences, Cultural Studies, Literature and Literary Theory, and Arts and Humanities. Our aim is to provide a platform for interdisciplinary research and critical discourse that enriches understanding and fosters innovation in these diverse fields.</p> <p><strong>Registered/Indexed</strong>: Sherpa Romeo, DOAJ, MIAR (<a href="">See more</a>).</p> <p><strong>Edited by</strong>: Humanistic Training Program, Universidad César Vallejo.</p> Universidad Cesar Vallejo en-US Espergesia 2312-6027 Fostering critical literacy in secondary education through short stories in English <p>The present study focused on the use of short stories as a pedagogical tool to cultivate critical literacy in secondary school students learning English as a foreign language, it was carried out in a public institution in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia. Its main objective was to describe short stories as a pedagogical tool to foster critical literacy in the teaching of English. This qualitative research was based on the sociocritical paradigm with an inductive method and a spiral design, using participatory action approach. A lesson plan was developed and executed that strategically incorporated short stories, assessing their impact through observations in field notes, recordings, and focus group discussions. The results highlighted the advantages of short stories in education: as a powerful pedagogical resource to foster critical perspectives on social and cultural reality, and as a useful tool to improve linguistic aspects. The short stories also proved to be motivating, enriching English learning and promoting a meaningful educational experience. In summary, the study underlined the effectiveness of short stories in boosting critical literacy and improving language skills, advocating for the exploration of critical literacy practices throughout secondary education and their integration from primary education.</p> Udrinet Elías Anaya Diaz Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 11 1 e110101 e110101 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2837 The education concept and its false dichotomies <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The conceptual complexity inherent in the term "education" has been associated with numerous analyses from various disciplinary approaches, paradigms, and theoretical currents. <strong>Objective:</strong> This article aims not to offer a univocal definition of the meaning of education but to consider it from a sociological perspective that integrates the false dichotomies of individual/society, continuity/discontinuity, and reproduction/change. <strong>Development:</strong> In the first part, the text presents a theoretical proposal on the articulation between culture, identity, and memory. Culture is understood as the set of objectified and subjectivized forms in historically specific contexts, which provides the individual with intersubjective elements for identity formation, where memory acts as an active dialogue between the psycho-individual and the socio-collective dimension. In the second part, education is proposed as a complex and dynamic process of cultural communication, identity formation, and social construction of memory. It emphasizes the importance of analyzing education from a theoretical perspective that considers the interaction between the individual and society, offering the possibility to understand its crucial role in processes of social reproduction and continuity, as well as in those of change and discontinuity. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The mentioned false dichotomies in approaches to studying education polarize and create an antagonism between structures and subjects, individual and society, and reproduction and social change, consequently providing little understanding of how these phenomena articulate with educational processes, overlooking the multiple possibilities of co-participation and mutual determination.</p> María Dolores Segura González Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-15 2024-04-15 11 1 e110102 e110102 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2850 Influence of Transformational Leadership on Teaching Performance in a Peruvian Educational Institution <p>The objective of this research was to determine the transformational influence on teacher performance in I.E. Mariano Santos Mateo de Trujillo – 2023. A causal correlational descriptive design was carried out; sample: 55 participants, 71% women and 29% men. Study variables: Transformational Leadership (TL) and dimensions: idealized influence, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration; Teacher Performance (DD) and dimensions: preparation for student learning, teaching for student learning, participation in school management articulated with the community, development of professionalism and teacher identity. Two Likert questionnaires were applied for each variable. It is verified with the Nagelkerke coefficient that LT influences 44.8% of the variation in DD. Teachers with medium transformational style, 75% regular performance and teachers who evidence high transformational style, 85.1% excellent performance. It is concluded: transformational leadership has a significant influence; on Student Learning Readiness chi square value 19.146 (sig &lt;0.05); on Teaching for student learning with a chi square value of 19.319 (sig &lt;0.05) and on School management participation linked to the community with a chi square value of 31.622 (sig &lt;0.05).</p> Rossmery León Pretel Yolanda Carolina Gallardo Sáenz Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-15 2024-04-15 11 1 e110103 e110103 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2851 Oil Dependency: Impact on the economy of Ecuador <p>Oil is Ecuador's main export product and its financial income an important part of the General State Budget. Being Ecuador a country dependent on crude oil is the reason why this investigation is carried out. For this purpose, an investigation with a quantitative approach was used, with a descriptive and explanatory scope strengthened in the Solow model, for which an econometric model with time series data was estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method. The results show that oil barrel exports have a positive effect on economic growth. Likewise, it is concluded that oil imports, the price of oil, will have a greater dynamism in economic growth, since there is a strong causality with the aforementioned variables.</p> Jorge Luis Bernal Yamuca Fernando Antonio Molina Argudo Ángel Boris Maldonado Castro Nivaldo Apolonides Vera Valdiviezo Alex Adrián Zamora Rizzo Ximena Nicole Sánchez Toala Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-19 2024-04-19 11 1 e110104 e110104 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2868 Effect of the variation in production on unemployment in Ecuador based on Okun's Law <p>Variation in production and unemployment are key macroeconomic indicators for the economic development of an economy and are inversely related. For this reason, the Ecuadorian state periodically evaluates these indicators in an effort to improve the economic and social conditions of the population. This study aims to analyze the effect of production variation on unemployment in Ecuador, as it is important to understand how productive and quality jobs can be created, improve people's well-being, and contribute to economic and social development. In this context, using annual time series data from the year 2000 to 2022, an econometric analysis is proposed through a simple linear regression model, applying Okun's Law. Additionally, a univariate regression model is employed to predict Ecuador's economic growth for the year 2025. The results obtained adhere to the literature and show an inverse relationship between the variables under study; that is, a one-percentage-point increase in production variation reduces the unemployment rate by approximately 0.16 percentage points. Similarly, the projection result indicates that, by 2025, the Ecuadorian economy will grow by an average of 3.6%. In conclusion, the findings suggest that using Okun's Law methodology provides relevant information to examine the dynamics and relationship between the labor market and economic growth.</p> Roger Tomás Yela Burgos José Luis Rivera Velasco Yulexi Mirley Leturne Macias Sofia Mercedes Moreira Macias Copyright (c) 2024 Roger Tomás Yela Burgos, José Luis Rivera Velasco, Yulexi Mirley Leturne Macias, Sofia Mercedes Moreira Macias 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 48 60 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2894 Virtual Strategies to Develop Logical-Mathematical Thinking in Students: A Rapid Review <p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The integration of virtual strategies into mathematics teaching represents a promising practice to optimize the teaching and learning process, driven by advancements in technology and data analysis. <strong>Objective:</strong> To systematize the crucial virtual strategies for fostering the development of logical-mathematical thinking in students, through an exhaustive review of specialized literature. <strong>Methodology:</strong> A bibliographic review was conducted, compiling and describing information from scientific articles. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established to select relevant literature, focusing on documents about the use of virtual strategies to improve logical-mathematical thinking in the target age group. Results: The adoption of virtual strategies and technological tools in education enriches the learning experience, facilitating the creation of innovative methodological proposals. These strategies promote differentiated learning, motivation, interest, and creativity in mathematics, positively transforming the educational landscape. It was observed that the use of virtual strategies is essential for effectively developing logical-mathematical thinking, underscoring the importance of continually adapting and improving these tools. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The effective integration of virtual strategies is fundamental for the development of logical-mathematical thinking. The study highlights the need for teachers to adopt and expand the use of these strategies, leveraging their potential to foster a more dynamic and motivating learning experience. Furthermore, the importance of continuous teacher training that includes the pedagogical use of ICT to improve educational quality is emphasized.</p> Andrea Fernanda Pazmiño Arcos Carolina Estefanía Fonseca Herrera Román Medina Sonia Del Pilar Carolina Rodríguez Morales Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Fernanda Pazmiño Arcos, Carolina Estefanía Fonseca Herrera, Román Medina Sonia Del Pilar, Carolina Rodríguez Morales 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 61 70 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2895 Historiographical Values of Cuban Fiction Cinema in the 1960s <p>Since their inception, History and Cinema have been interconnected. This essay examined how Cuban fiction cinema of the 1960s reflected and contributed to the understanding of revolutionary processes and the construction of a national identity in Cuba. The general objective was to analyze and highlight the historiographic values of Cuban fiction cinema produced in that decade, evaluating how these films reflected and contributed to the understanding of revolutionary processes and the construction of a national identity in Cuba. Following the triumph of the Cuban Revolution and the creation of the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC) in 1959, emblematic films were produced that captured the social and political transformations of the country. Films such as <em>Historias de la Revolución</em> (1960), <em>Cuba baila</em> (1960), <em>El joven rebelde</em> (1961), <em>Las doce sillas</em> (1962), <em>Manuela</em> (1966), <em>La muerte de un burócrata</em> (1966), <em>Aventuras de Juan Quinquín</em> (1967), <em>Lucía</em> (1968), <em>Memorias del subdesarrollo</em> (1968), and <em>La primera carga al machete</em> (1969) stood out for their ability to document and critique historical events and offer perspectives on national identity. The detailed analysis of these films revealed how they served as historiographic tools, providing a deep understanding of the class conflicts, political tensions, and cultural transformations of the time.</p> Mariuska Quiñones Aguilar Ernesto Santiesteban Leyva Copyright (c) 2024 Mariuska Quiñones Aguilar, Ernesto Santiesteban Leyva 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 71 78 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2896 Competency-Based Training and Its Alignment with Sustainable Development in the Public Sector <p>This paper addresses competency-based training (CBT) in public servants and its relationship with Sustainable Development (SD). In a global context marked by environmental, social, and economic challenges, the ability of government officials to effectively address these issues has become crucial. CBT is fundamental for the preparation of public servants, enabling them to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to perform effectively in their roles. The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the importance of CBT in public servants as a driver of change towards SD. This article conducts a review of existing literature on the topic, exploring different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches used in research. The research is based on a qualitative approach, utilizing the bibliographic research method and document analysis technique. This study highlights the variety of definitions of the topic, its contextualization, as well as the different scientific positions on the subject in the region. Additionally, emerging trends are identified and areas for future research in this field are suggested. In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive view of the importance of CBT in public servants as a means to achieve Sustainable Development Goals at local, national, and international levels.</p> Orquidia Hailyn Abreu González Cruz Xiomara Peraza de Aparicio Yoel López Gamboa Xenia Pedraza González Copyright (c) 2024 Orquidia Hailyn Abreu González, Cruz Xiomara Peraza de Aparicio, Yoel López Gamboa, Xenia Pedraza González 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 11 1 79 89 10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2897