Time, Childhood, and Experience in Walter Benjamin (1892–1940)
Time, Childhood, Experience, Walter BenjaminAbstract
Childhood can be understood not only as a chronological stage, as it is commonly known, but also as a condition of human experience that manifests as latency, a constant tension between time and experience. Its significance lies in the idea that it holds a horizon of possibilities for reflecting on its condition in the contemporary world. The aim of this study was to develop a reflective reinterpretation of the interrelated themes of time, childhood, and experience, which appear in various ways in Walter Benjamin’s works. The methodology employed is a bibliographic study based on the critical foundations of Walter Benjamin, focusing primarily on his works One-Way Street and Berlin Childhood Around 1900. These texts, written as brief essays, evoke the metropolis where Benjamin lived until his exile and where his childhood and youth experiences unfolded. This study concludes that childhood and experience constitute a space of resistance against the technical rationality of modernity, which tends to reduce life to cycles of consumption and production, leaving no room for reflection or depth.
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