Special protection of the human rights of the elderly. A look from Latin American regulations
Human Rights, older adults, Latin American legislation, social security, non-discriminationAbstract
The objective of this research was to understand how the legislations of Latin American countries, through a comparative law study, guarantee special protection of the human rights of older adults. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted based on a documentary review of current legislation in Latin America. The analysis focused on six key categories: the right to life and social security, the right to non-discrimination, the right to justice and dignified treatment, the right to education and culture, the right to an adequate standard of living and housing, and the right to work and enjoyment of free time. Data were collected from official and academic sources, and regulations were compared to identify advances and gaps in the protection of the rights of older adults. The results showed significant progress in the enactment of laws that protect the human rights of older adults, especially in access to social security and non-discrimination. However, significant deficiencies persist in the implementation of these regulations, particularly in the areas of access to employment, adequate housing, and recreational opportunities. In addition, some legal frameworks lack concrete mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of established rights. Conclusions: Although legal frameworks in Latin America formally recognize the rights of older adults, the practical implementation of these regulations remains a challenge. Therefore, more concrete reforms are required to ensure effective and equitable protection, especially in access to basic services and employment opportunities. The study also underlined the urgent need to strengthen enforcement mechanisms to ensure that the rights of this vulnerable group are fully respected.
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