Grammatical-language structures understanding and cognitives processes for reading and writing in fifth grade primary students


  • Alejandro Segundo Dioses Chocano Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú


Cognitive, Reading, Writing, Grammatical structures, Syntax


It was investigated in students of fifth degree in Lima, if relation existed between
comprehension of grammatical structures of the oral language and cognitive processes of the writing-lecture; also, if exists differ in these processes, considering the socioeconomic segment, sex and type of management of the educational institution to which pertinence. One thought that the comprehension of grammatical structures was relating positively and significantly with the cognitive processes of the reading and writing; in addition, that existed significant differences in the same ones, considering the educational management, in favor of the private institutions; and the socioeconomic level, in favor of the high levels; but not in changeable gender; happening also, the reliability and validity of the adjustments carried out to the instruments.



How to Cite

Dioses Chocano, A. S. (2009). Grammatical-language structures understanding and cognitives processes for reading and writing in fifth grade primary students. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 11, 53–65. Retrieved from



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