Application of Lean Manufacturing in the productivity of the process of making canned fish




Lean Manufacturing, TPM, 5S, VSM, Productivity, PHVA


The purpose of this work was to implement Lean Manufacturing in the fish canning plant to increase the productivity of the company Don Fernando S.A.C., a pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test was used, the most critical areas of the industry were involved in the sample. productive process. To determine the cycle times of the process, the VSM was used, where the critical processes were obtained, these being the area of ​​filleting, packaging, sealing, cooking, exhausting and finished product, achieving a cycle time of 1.151 min/box, so that in the total productivity initially 79.9% was reached, using for its solution the 5S, TPM and PHVA tools, which resulted in the 5S achieving a compliance of 66%, the TPM on the other hand decreased the hours of failures of the equipment at 8.5 hours and finally the PHVA which carried out a Kardex and a Layout for the improvement of the warehouse in which space was reduced by 243.45, thus reducing Lean waste (over production, over processing, inventory, talent unused, movement, transport and movement), improving the cycle time to 1.005 min/box, concluding that the implementation of this tool for the improvement of processes increased total productivity by 89%.


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How to Cite

Ayala Siccha, N. L., Jara Aguilar, M. A., Castillo Martínez , W. E., & Mantilla Rodríguez , L. A. (2022). Application of Lean Manufacturing in the productivity of the process of making canned fish. INGnosis, 8(1), 10–22.



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