Re-use of products and inplementation of lean manufacturing tools as opportunity of competitive advantage




Process quality, Time study, Lean’s philosophy, Kaizen


The investigation shows the results about the improvementsin in the quality of the process of vulcanising and retreading pneumatic tyresby the application of Kaizen in the company Reencauchadora Beto SRL. The specific aims sought to determine the improvement in the quality of the product, the increase of satisfaction of the customers and improvement in the performance of the employees. For its purpose, the investigation is applied, for his level, descriptive and explicative. Its approach is quantitative and the design is cuasi experimentally, For its temporary scope, the investigation is longitudinal. About the technics and instruments of compilation of information, it was used the chronometer and the direct observation. With regard to the findings, the quality of the process improved from 88.72 % to 97.36 %, an increase of 8.64, which is equivalent to 12.1 a percentage increase. The quality of the product improved from 86.05 % to 96.99 %, an increase of 10.94, which in percentage value is 13 %. The satisfaction of the client improved from 89.96 % to 97.47 %, there being an increase of 7.51, which is equivalent to 12.57 % in percentage increase. Finally, the satisfaction of the custmers improved from 89.96 % to 97.47 %, an increase of 7.51, a 12.57 %. percentage value.


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How to Cite

Ríos Gonzales, G. H. ., López Padilla, R. del P. ., & Rodríguez Alegre, L. . (2018). Re-use of products and inplementation of lean manufacturing tools as opportunity of competitive advantage. INGnosis, 4(2), 130–148.



Research Article