Niveles de comprensión lectora en escolares de 2° grado de primaria en una escuela de Comas, Lima


  • Sonia Ponce Oro Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Jhon Holguin Alvarez Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Reading, Reading processes, Comprenhension levels


The simple descriptive study, in which an instrument was developed – Reading comprehension test by levels, used to quantitatively measure the levels proposed by Sánchez; Romero; Arriola and Romero (2007) and Barrett (in Calsin, 2006) a literal level, re organizational and inferential. This instrument was subjected to evaluation of inter judges, which method was used to calculate the reliability index, this being 0.85. The research was conducted in the 2nd grade of Elementary School in a Public Educational Institution in the district of Comas (Lima – Perú), in a probability sample of 102 students that averaged 7.42 years old. For methodological purposes, the objective was to determine the reading comprehension levels. The largest percentage of the sample achieved the literal and re organizational understanding at a high level.


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How to Cite

Ponce Oro, S. ., & Holguin Alvarez, J. . (2014). Niveles de comprensión lectora en escolares de 2° grado de primaria en una escuela de Comas, Lima. REVISTA EDUSER, 1(1), 61–72. Retrieved from


