Accounting education in the pandemic: A bibliometric analysis of the impact of Covid-19
Accounting education, online learning, covid-19 pandemic, educational technology, bibliometric analysisAbstract
The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed accounting education, propelling the migration towards educational technologies. This bibliometric study aims to analyze the scientific literature on accounting education in the context of the pandemic, revealing emerging trends and challenges. Widespread adoption of online teaching methods and the use of tools such as accounting simulations and video conferencing to enhance interactivity and the authenticity of learning are highlighted. However, concerns persist regarding the authenticity of online assessments and psychosocial challenges such as digital fatigue and isolation. Flexibility and innovation have become paramount, enabling adaptation to changing circumstances and addressing the emotional and social needs of students. This study underscores the need for future research to delve deeper into effective pedagogical strategies, impactful educational technologies, and student well-being support measures.
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