Ergonomic study of job to prevent occupational risks in workers Ropería equipment, Laundry and Sewing of Hospital Regional Eleazar Guzmán Barrón


  • Luis Blas Huaroto Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • Elí Jairo Gamarra Corman Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • Elías Gutiérrez Pesantes Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • César Moreno Rojo Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.



Ergonomic study, Occupational hazard, Preventive measures, REBA method


This research is based on an ergonomic study put in the Regional Hospital Eleazar Guzman Barron, which had a duration of nine months. With the main objective, conduct an ergonomic study of job to prevent occupational risks in ropería equipment, laundry and sewing Eleazar Guzman Barron Hospital. The research type was applied and pre-experimental design, building people "Occupational hazards in workers Eleazar Guzman Regional Hospital" and as having shown "Occupational hazards in workers Team linen room, laundry and sewing Eleazar Guzman Barron Regional Hospital in 2014 ". The first step was to diagnose the current situational company through a check list, according to the results the laundry area has a level of ergonomic risk of 85.71%, reaching a higher level of risk. Sewing area found that the level of ergonomic risk was 68.75%, reaching an average level. And then in the area of Ropería it resulted ergonomic risk level is represented by 71.43%, reaching an average level. The other instruments used were the parent of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (IPERC), in which it was found that the main ergonomic hazards in the 3 areas of work were; effort to push or pull objects, loading or moving materials, sudden movements, awkward postures, reduced work spaces and repetitive movements. As these that lead workers to be subject to some risks of injury or musculoskeletal disorder in the upper, lower back or legs. For having done the risk assessment according to the scores of the 15 steps identified, the risk level  2 of them were tolerable, 5 were moderate, 7 were important and 1 was intolerable which was pick Linen in flat. Then the REBA assessment which also served to identify the level of risk, the action that should be taken against them was conducted. Accordingly prevention and control was proposed that through training and lectures will be able to reduce the risk that the worker is exposed to an occupational hazard. For the second measurement according to the level of risk, of the 15 steps identified, 6 are tolerable and 9 are moderate.


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How to Cite

Blas Huaroto, L. ., Gamarra Corman, E. J. ., Gutiérrez Pesantes, E. ., & Moreno Rojo, C. . (2015). Ergonomic study of job to prevent occupational risks in workers Ropería equipment, Laundry and Sewing of Hospital Regional Eleazar Guzmán Barrón. INGnosis, 1(1), 107–120.



Research Article