Metalinguistic abilities and comprehension in children from first grade at Lima and Huancayo cities
Metalinguistic abilities, Comprehension,, ChildrenAbstract
This research had as purpose to establish relationship between the metalinguistic abilities and comprehension in children from first grade at Lima and Huancayo cities. For this project was assessed a sample of 155 pupils from primary on first grade, aged 6 years old, males and females, from various government educational institutions from Lima and Huancayo cities, whom were evaluated with Metalinguistic Abilities Test (MAT) constructed by Gómez, Valero, Buades & Pérez and it was adapted by Panca (2003) for peruvian reality, and Comprehension Subtest of Wechsler Scale from children (WISC-R). The results shown a highly significant correlation, positive and moderate grade between Metalinguistic Abilities Test and Comprehension. The comparison among subsamples from Lima and Huancayo indicated there were not significant differences about Metalinguistic Abilities nor about comprehension. When it is comparised general score on Metalinguistic Abilities Test and Comprehension Subtest between males and females there were not significant differences.
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