Influence of attitudinal factors towards the COVID19 pandemic as a predictor of academic self-efficacy in psychology undergraduates




covid, actitudes, autoeficacia


The objective of this research was to establish a relationship between attitudinal factors as predictors of academic self-efficacy in Psychology students at a private university in Lima. For this purpose, a sample of 187 students belonging to the first cycle of the School of Psychology was used. Under a non-experimental descriptive correlational design. Instruments such as the Questionnaire of Attitudes towards the Pandemic COVID19 and the Scale of Perceived Self-Efficacy specific to academic situations - EAPESA were used. As for the correlation, the value of the coefficient of determination (R-squared = 0.51) indicates that attitudinal factors influence academic self-efficacy by 5.1% in variation. And as for the linear regression, a prediction model of academic self-efficacy was established, taking into account the following data Y1= 18.427 + .97 (Attitudinal factors). Finally, it is concluded that attitudinal factors do not significantly predict academic self-efficacy.


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How to Cite

Cubas Romero, T. L. . (2023). Influence of attitudinal factors towards the COVID19 pandemic as a predictor of academic self-efficacy in psychology undergraduates. PsiqueMag, 12(2), 56–66.



Research Articles