Principle of invisibility of sexuality: The dream narrative of sexual behavior




Sexual health, sexuality, dream, sexual dreams, love.


Couples sex therapists listen to the self-reported narrations of their patients' personal disturbances. In general, patients never bring witnesses, neither photos, nor videos, nor audios, only their own intrapersonal testimony; processing an interview of a disorder referred to sexuality is like processing a dream dream, it meets the three criteria of subjective reality narration: space, time and plot; the patients narratively describe their erotic behavior, in addition, said behavior is intra-psychic, therefore behavioral scientists, who analyze observable and concrete behaviors, should not process or examine them; likewise, most of sexuality occurs in a psychic space or psychodynamic field titled: intra-subjective, inter-subjective, and trans-subjective; the only ones who can access and understand it would be psychoanalysts and other theorists of the psychodynamics of personality. Therefore, in order to achieve comprehensive sexual health, they must be interpreted under the principle of (social) invisibility of sexuality and to understand them, they must use some dream analysis concepts, such as dream disfigurement, latent content and/or dream manifest content.


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How to Cite

Pereyra Quiñones, J. L., Maestre Poveda, J. D., & Salas Dahlqvist, J. J. (2023). Principle of invisibility of sexuality: The dream narrative of sexual behavior. PsiqueMag, 12(2), 99–111.



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