Emotional recovery to reduce depressive symptoms in sexually abused teens





Adolescents, Program, Depression, Sexual abuse


The objective of this research was to present the effects of a psycho-emotional care program in reducing depression in victims of sexual abuse in a hospital in the Callao Region, 2019. It was carried out in 30 adolescent patients who were evaluated in levels of depression using the Beck Depression Inventory instrument (BID IIA). The pre and posttest quasi-experimental design was used. The results revealed that the experimental group significantly decreased depressive symptoms, finding a t = 20.34 and a p = <.001. The difference of the means in the post-test increased in favor of the experimental group in the two dimensions somatic t = 17.52 and a p = <.001 and affective cognitive t = 18.97 and a p = <.001. Finally, it is concluded that the program is effective in reducing depression in adolescents and it is recommended to train psychologists in it.


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How to Cite

Chero Ballon De Alcantara, E. S. ., & Bravo García, L. Y. (2021). Emotional recovery to reduce depressive symptoms in sexually abused teens. PsiqueMag, 10(2), 25–33. https://doi.org/10.18050/psiquemag.v10i1.2579



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