Facial recognition system for security control at company entrances





Python, Facial recognition, System, Software


This research work consists of the development of a system based on facial detection and recognition that can provide security to companies quickly and safely, using a Python application, which allows facial recognition of workers, and thus maintain the security of the company. After the development of the software, the computer processes the images and videos that are stored in the libraries, which are transferred to a face detection and recognition, which generates a facial recognition code developed in the Python programming language, which makes the comparison with the faces stored in the database, to finally produce an acceptance command where it states whether the detected user is in the database or not. The results obtained, we conclude that a functional design was achieved, which makes good use of the technology used, this design allowed to effectively identify each of the users with whom we worked in this research, we can conclude by saying that this system can be implemented in companies and in various applications.


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How to Cite

León León , R. A., Rodriguez Sanchez , M. J., Villegas Ponce , G. C., Honorio Escobedo , L. M., Ruiz Honorio , J. A., & Contreras Briceño , J. A. (2022). Facial recognition system for security control at company entrances. INGnosis, 8(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v8i1.2445



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