Diseño de invernadero con sistema de control de temperatura y humedad automatizado mediante PID en Trujillo - Perú





Greenhouse, Labview, PID, Arduino, Automation.


A greenhouse system creates a suitable environment for the cultivation of any fruit or vegetables in a space regardless of the climate and humidity of the land, it is a great step for controlled agriculture, which allows us to obtain the values ​​of temperature and humidity in an optimal way for proper crop growth. In this work, an automation alternative based on open hardware and software platforms is presented, with the objectives of reducing costs and increasing crop yields compared to commercial systems, through the re-configuration by Labview software for constant monitoring. and the Arduino interface which allows activating the system only when necessary. For the hardware development the Arduino was used since being open source allows adding the required functions. The proposed system aims to demonstrate the control and adequate use of the PID for its automated use, the main axis being the temperature in the environment. However, a careful evaluation of the crops is necessary to corroborate the competitive advantages of the greenhouse and its (Kc, Ti and Td) variables of the PID system created in Labview for this article.


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How to Cite

Castillo Cabrera, R. L. A. ., Leon León, R. A., Rodríguez Vílchez, J., & Gamarra Floreano, E. (2021). Diseño de invernadero con sistema de control de temperatura y humedad automatizado mediante PID en Trujillo - Perú . INGnosis, 7(1), 01–14. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v7i1.2099



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