El movimiento de transición para las comunidades latinoamericanas


  • Javier Mauricio Villota Paz Universidad Mariana, Colombia




Climate change, Development Sustainable, oil shortag, transition movement.


The following text will show how the consumption habits of human resources have led different communities to choose to develop unconventional techniques to continue producing and consuming in an irrational way different goods and services, which are obtained and offered from different non-renewable sources such as oil, to lead a "comfortable" life. For this reason, it is required to generate a transition movement to be able to adapt to new alternatives in the generation of renewable energies, as well as the development of practices that favor the future of subsequent generations and manage to face climate change. Different communities in European countries have already faced this situation and its quest for Latin American communities to take initiatives to generate said resilience. Thus, five challenges that communities must face to start with the transition are presented.


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How to Cite

Villota Paz, J. M. (2020). El movimiento de transición para las comunidades latinoamericanas. INGnosis, 6(2), 74–78. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v6i2.2081



Research Article