Redefining Retirement: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in The Golden Years




Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development, Boomer, Older Adult, Retirement


Currently, the traditional conception of retirement is undergoing a significant transformation as society ages and individual expectations evolve. For this reason, the research considered the objectives of knowing the relationship between social entrepreneurship and the dimensions: passion for entrepreneurship, orientation towards sustainability and identification of opportunities with sustainability in older adults. For this, the research was of an applied type, non-experimental design, transectional, correlational, descriptive, with a quantitative approach, the applied technique was an adapted survey, using a questionnaire instrument for each variable, encouraging the participation of a group of 100 older adults who have stopped working due to their age. Obtaining as a result a very strong positive correlation between the social entrepreneurship variable and sustainable development, with a Spearman's Rho indicator of 0.957. Concluding that training proposals that propose social entrepreneurship can promote sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Pizarro, J. V. (2024). Redefining Retirement: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in The Golden Years. Espergesia, 11(2), e110208.