Work stress and organizational climate in a local educational management unit




Stress at work, organizational climate, organization


Due to the nature of workdays, employees spend several hours in their workspaces. Based on this, communication links are established and friendly relationships are fostered, where the exchange of opinions is necessary in appropriate work environments. In this sense, the research aims to establish the relationship between work stress and the organizational climate. The study was developed following the processes of the quantitative approach, type of basic research with descriptive and correlational scope, non-experimental design with cross-section. The technique used was the survey and valid and reliable instruments based on theories that are currently in force, the theory of Maslach & Jackson (1981) for work stress and Litwin & Stringer (1968) for the work environment. Findings were found from the descriptive and inferential, according to the levels of each variable. The inferential results indicated the presence of an inverse and significant relationship, that is, the lower the work stress, the better the organizational climate of the collaborators. The organizational climate and stress are closely related. If the organization offers conditions that generate dissatisfaction, the organizational climate will be negative and this is reflected in stressed employees.


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How to Cite

Reyes Barrios, S. A., & Ponce Yactayo, D. L. (2023). Work stress and organizational climate in a local educational management unit. REVISTA EDUSER, 10(1), 44–51.



Research Articles