Neuroscience as teaching scientific research




emotion control, motivation, cognitive assessment, design thinking, planning


In teaching to prepare a university thesis, choosing a topic and planning the research are two fundamental processes because they are the basis, to a large extent, of success in achieving the completion of the research. Its objective is to warn that neuroscience contains the control of emotions and the incentive to motivate the researcher, to be clear about the viability of the project to be carried out and to know how to cognitively value the topic that he or she likes to investigate and, in this way, develop the plan to execute. the investigation. Methodologically it corresponds to a short original thematic analysis study of a basic type. Conclusively, failing in this leads to the occurrence of the Everything But Thesis syndrome, which is why it is preferable today to consider Neuroscience as a prevalent didactics in scientific research.


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How to Cite

Montoya Meléndez, J. H. ., & De Piérola García, V. M. . (2024). Neuroscience as teaching scientific research. Regunt, 3(2), 71–75.