Emotional dependency questionnaire in people with homosexual orientation: Psychometric evidence





Dependencia emocional, homosexuales, propiedades psicométricas


The purpose of this investigation was to find the psychometric properties of the Emotional Dependence Questionnaire (CDE), designed by Ventura and Caycho (original authors) in subjects with homosexual orientation in Peru. In the same way, it used a psychometric and technological methodology, the design was instrumental, with non-probabilistic sampling for convenience and a sample of 259 subjects with interest in affection towards others of the same sex, residing in the country in question for a period greater than 6 months. Likewise, a KMO of 0.937, a Bartlett test of 0.253, a distribution of six sets and a goodness-of-fit test of 0 were obtained, allowing the study to be carried out. Subsequently, in the analysis of the matrix of rotated factors, 5 factors were reached, each with a certain number of items: 6, 4, 3, 4 and 3, respectively. The correlation of the instrument and the attachment scale obtained a convergent validity through Spearman's coefficient of 0.424, moderate level. Between the dimensions and the test, he achieved a total of 0.741 and 1, a general Omega reliability of 0.90 and 3 percentile categories: low, average and high. Given this, it was concluded that the questionnaire of the variable under exploration in individuals with proximity to others of the same gender, showed an acceptable condition, being valid and reliable in Peru.


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How to Cite

Pasache-Chau, W. K. (2023). Emotional dependency questionnaire in people with homosexual orientation: Psychometric evidence. Revista De Investigación De Estudiantes De Psicología "JANG&Quot;, 1(1), 18–29. https://doi.org/10.18050/jang.1.1.2023.2

