La afectividad el giro de mi vida


  • Luz Adriana Arlabé Gutiérrez Távara Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú




The present case study refers to a 16-year-old patient, who was given standardized tests for the purpose of evaluating cognitive areas, personality, attitudes and virtues as part of a vocational orientation. It was obtained as an emphatic and transcendental result that affectivity is being the main axis of his actions and the development of his thoughts blocking, retarding or accelerating in their different immediate contexts; Because the patient has a weak, active and vigorous personality, he tends to use repression mechanisms, to isolate himself from his friendships, to lose his appetite for stressful or conflictive situations such as his parents' discussions, the death of his grandfather and the diagnosis and Treatment of his mother's cancer disease. He tends to react impulsively (situations) to situations where he is annoyed or verbally assaulted, especially at the behavior of his younger brother by shouting at him and assaulting him. He was finally given the results of his vocational guidance, and recommendations were given.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Távara , L. A. A. (2016). La afectividad el giro de mi vida. Revista De Investigación De Estudiantes De Psicología "JANG&Quot;, 5(2), 81–87. Retrieved from



Estudio de caso