School and self-esteem harassment in high school students


  • Jocelin Pajuelo Flores Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Martìn Noé Grijalva Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


School bullying, self-esteem, students


This study explores the correlation between school harassment and self-esteem in high school students at a public educational institution in the Nuevo Chimbote district. The design was correlational descriptive and the sample consisted of 355 students between men and women from 1st to 4th grade of secondary education. As a measure were evaluated by the multimodal questionnaire of school interaction (CMIE - IV) Cabot, Calderero, Arias, Salazar and Irurtia (2011) adapted by Noé (2014), Coopersmith 's inventory of self - esteem (1967) . Concluding that among the factors of school bullying and self-esteem there is a low and inverse, and highly significant negative relation, this indicates the existence of the force between the variables, although minimal but a significant linkage is determined, that the greater the less bullying school will be Self-esteem in adolescents.



How to Cite

Pajuelo Flores, J. ., & Noé Grijalva, M. . (2017). School and self-esteem harassment in high school students. Revista De Investigación De Estudiantes De Psicología "JANG&Quot;, 6(1), 86–100. Retrieved from



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