Propiedades psicométricas del Test de Empatía Cognitiva y Afectiva en estudiantes de institutos y universidades de Huamachuco
Psychometric properties, validity, reliability, percentile norms,, cognitive and affective empathyAbstract
This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of Cognitive and Affective Empathy test in students of institutes and universities of Huamachuco; the study was technological and had a psychometric design. Population had 560 students of both sexes of the age of 16 and upwards. In the psychometric analyzes construct validity was obtained through confirmatory factorial analysis, the adjustment rates are .95 and .96. Besides reliability analysis was established by Cronbach's alpha coefficient obtaining the value of .85 , likewise the internal consistency of each of its scales indicate values .65 on the adoption of perspectives scale, .64 on the emotional understanding scale, .63 on the empathic stress scale and .62 on the empathic happiness scale. Through percentile norms and T points, significant differences were found on the empathic happiness scale, according to sex. In conclusion, the Cognitive and Affective Empathy Test presents appropiate validity and reliability, being a useful instrument in the clinical, educational and social fields.
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