Evaluación del aislamiento térmico en la red de vapor y la eficiencia del caldero pirotubular de 30 BHP del Hospital la Caleta





Thermal insulation, boiler efficiency, steam network, combustion gases, payback


The general objective of the research work was to evaluate the thermal insulation applied in the steam network and as a consequence evaluate the efficiency before the application of said insulation and see the impact that it generates after its application in the 30 BHP firetube boiler. from hospital la Caleta, 2021. Likewise, for its development, measurements were taken of said steam network which feeds the kitchen, laundry and autoclaves area, as well as a sampling of the gases produced by combustion was carried out, for this an instrument was used. such as; gas analyzer and tape measure for steam network dimensions; Likewise, after being able to quantify the heat losses to determine the efficiency of the 30 BHP fire tube boiler by indirect method according to the Peruvian Technical Standard, determining the production, production indicators and steam cost, the optimal thickness of thermal insulation was calculated by apply to the steam network and finally to carry out the same calculation procedure for the boiler after the application of said insulation. On the other hand, the annual money savings and payback for the application of thermal insulation were calculated.


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How to Cite

Pacherres Uchalín, M. A., & Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C. (2021). Evaluación del aislamiento térmico en la red de vapor y la eficiencia del caldero pirotubular de 30 BHP del Hospital la Caleta. INGnosis, 7(2), 01–13. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v7i2.2180



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