Implementation of the Material Requirement Plan (MRP) to increase productivity in the production of furniture in the city of Chimbote – Peru




Material Requirement Plan (MRP), Master Production Schedule, Labor Productivity, Material Cost Productivity


The present investigation aimed to objective of this research was to apply material requirements plan (MRP) to increase productivity in the company. For which the situation was known before the application, obtaining the products with the highest demand, materials, productivity, and labor efficiency and finally the productivity of materials costs. The research methodology was of an applied type, with a pre-experimental-longitudinal design, applying the MRP tool, the Excel program to perform the records, formats, and calculations, the WinQSB in which the BOOM and MRP were performed, and the SPSS for the analysis of the results. As a result of the implementation, an increase in labor productivity of 0.012 unit/HH, 0.012 unit/HH and 0.007 unit/HH was obtained from the efficiency of 8.44%, 9.26% and 5.42% and finally the productivity of material costs I feel S/. 0.56, S/. 0.24 and S/. 0.34. From the comfortable make-up artist furniture, pretty wardrobe, and office desk, respectively. It was concluded that the application of MRP helps to improve the productivity of the company, also allows having the materials at the right time and minimizing costs.


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How to Cite

Chero Peña, M. Y., Orezzoli Aponte, J. E., Vargas Sagastegui , J. D., & Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C. (2021). Implementation of the Material Requirement Plan (MRP) to increase productivity in the production of furniture in the city of Chimbote – Peru. INGnosis, 7(1), 59–73.



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