Influence of Total Productive Maintenance on the productivity of the production area of a fruit growing company in the city of Nepeña - Peru




Total Productive Maintenance, Autonomous Maintenance, Planned Maintenance, Quality Maintenance, Global Efficiency of the equipment, Total Productivity


The present investigation of this research was to apply Total Productive Maintenance in the canning plant to increase the productivity of the company Los Paltos S.A.C. The research was of an applied type of the pre-experimental design with a pre and post test respectively, likewise the sample was given by the 9 static teams of the production area. For the diagnosis, the VSM analysis was carried out, which determined the lead time of each process, obtaining that the processes with the longest cycle time were selection and washing with 1.3 s/kg, blanching 0.75 s/kg, the filling with 1.20 s/kg, the sterilizer with 0.33 s/kg and sealing 0.54 s/kg, obtaining an OEE that was 86.17, for this reason the initial productivity was not the expected obtaining 86.76%, using for its solution the pillars of the TPM, such as planned maintenance through training, fulfilling 100% compliance, planned maintenance through a routine plan, fulfilling 94.55% compliance and quality maintenance through a manual of good practices, reducing failures 500% and 36% defects. Concluding that the application of the TPM increased total productivity by 3.50%.


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How to Cite

Ramirez Campos, E. S., Villar Tiravantti , L. M., Saldaña Bernuy, L. F., & Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C. (2021). Influence of Total Productive Maintenance on the productivity of the production area of a fruit growing company in the city of Nepeña - Peru. INGnosis, 7(1), 34–49.



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