Aplicación del Sistema Kanban para aumentar la productividad del área de producto terminado de una empresa pesquera





Kanban system, Task rescheduling, VSM, 5S, Labor Productivity


The present research had as a purpose of   implementing the Kanban System in the finished product area to increase productivity, for this reason the methodology used was applicative with a pre-experimental design, likewise, the sample involved 33 collaborators from the area of finished product. For the diagnosis, the cycle time of the process was determined through the VSM, obtaining 70 sec. per can, in the same way, the initial labor productivity was determined, which was 84.17%, similarly, the 5S methodology was used in which it was carried out by applying each of its phases, obtaining 89.78% compliance. Later on, as a result of Kanban System application, each of the sub-areas was organized in such a way that a synchronization of the activities was generated, in which the Kanban board and Kanban cards were used, which helped to improve the work flow. Concluding that the application of Kanban System increased labor productivity by 2.37% which is reflected in the improvement of the cycle time of 15 sec. per can.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Castillo, M. C., Torres Pardo, F. M., & Morales Suen, L. A. (2020). Aplicación del Sistema Kanban para aumentar la productividad del área de producto terminado de una empresa pesquera. INGnosis, 6(2), 38–51. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v6i2.2078



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