Aplicación del Método Kaizen para incrementar la productividad en una empresa pesquera.





Kaizen method, process, productivity.


The present research work established as a general objective to apply the Kaizen method to increase the productivity of the process in the fishery La Chimbotana S.A.C., Chimbote 2020. The study was applied with a pre-experimental research design with a quantitative approach. In the same way, the population was made up of the productivity of the whole anchovy process in tomato sauce, meanwhile for the sample the productivity corresponding to the months of August to November of the year 2019 and 2020 was considered. To find the problem of at the company, observation and data analysis were used as techniques, as well as, the instruments that were applied were the 80-20 curve, 5W-H interrogation technique, analytical course diagram of the operator, distribution scheme, bimanual diagram and formats of productivity analysis. It was possible to corroborate as bottlenecks the processes of cutting and gutting, and sealing, through work sampling, likewise, the reduction of activities that do not add value was achieved with a percentage variation of -28.36%. In the same way, an increase in efficiency, raw material productivity and labor productivity was achieved with a percentage variation of 8.43%, 19.44% and 21.14% respectively.


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How to Cite

Diaz Gamez, Z. V., Castillo Silva, K. N., & Vilcarino Zelada, E. N. (2020). Aplicación del Método Kaizen para incrementar la productividad en una empresa pesquera. INGnosis, 6(2), 13–27. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v6i2.2076



Research Article