Influence of flow regimes in the global coefficient of heat transfer in concentric type heat exchangers and tube coraza




Heat exchangers, Flow regime, Global coefficient of heat transfer


In the industry the heat exchangers are commonly used in a wide variety of applications, from domestic systems directed to the heating and air conditioning to the chemical processesand the large-scale energy production. One of the relevant parameters on these teams is the effectiveness (efficiency) is defined as the ratio of real heat transfer on the maximum possible reason, both parameters depend on the heat capacity of the fluid, the inlet and outlet temperatures and the flow regime. Objective: Determine the influence of flow regimes, both hot and cold, in the Global Coefficient of Heat Transfer and in the effectiveness of heat exchangerstype concentric tubes and tube-Shell, in a test benchmark model GUNT WL 110. Material:The bank of test records the temperatures of hot and cold flows, as well as the flow of heat through the walls. In addition, you can modify the flow regimes (liters/min) of both workflows. Method:The present research is experimental in the category preexperimental, because during the investigation the study variables will be altered to criterion, it is also the type quantitative because the tests will be carried out with a series of data to be processed.


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How to Cite

Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C. ., & Saldaña Bernuy, L. F. . (2018). Influence of flow regimes in the global coefficient of heat transfer in concentric type heat exchangers and tube coraza. INGnosis, 4(1), 94–104.



Research Article