Evaluation of the change of fuel DB5to GLP for improvement of energy indicators of the boiler of 70 BHP





BHP, Firetube boiler, LPG, Energy indicators


The objective of this research is to evaluate the design of a system that operates with liquefied petroleum gas LPG to improve the economic and environmental indicators in the fire hydrant boiler of 70 BHP of the Regional Hospital Eleazar Guzmán Barrón (EGB).It is a research level descriptive and with a design proposal, not experimental, transversal. The information gathering was the interview with the technical operators and the boiler operation reports in a period of 6 months. The current performance of theboiler was determined at 81.56% and its current economic and environmental energy indicator at 210.7 soles / ton. steam and 0.227 ton. CO2/ton.steam, respectively; then taking into account the current Peruvian regulations for the installation of industrial equipment with LPG, the sizing of the new burner is performed, fuel supply systems to the boiler, and the effects of this fuel are evaluated with the emission of combustion gases generated based on the maximum volume admitted by the combustion chamber. A comparison was made between indicators after fuel conversion and improvements were obtained for its economic and environmental indicator in 191.4 soles/ton. steam and 0.198 soles/ton. steam, respectively, exceeding the hypothesis raised by 5%.


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How to Cite

Chucuya Huallpachoque, R. C. . (2017). Evaluation of the change of fuel DB5to GLP for improvement of energy indicators of the boiler of 70 BHP. INGnosis, 3(2), 351–364. https://doi.org/10.18050/ingnosis.v3i2.2048



Research Article