Process design of municipal wastewater treatment to reduce water pollution in the district Samanco


  • Genrry Raul Pajares Echevarria Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • Wilfredo Quiroz Marquina Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • Gracia Isabel Galarreta Oliveros Universidad César Vallejo, Chimbote, Perú.
  • Blanca Álvarez Lujan Universidad César Vallejo, Piura, Perú.



Water pollution, Activated sludge, Treatment plant


This research aims to design the process of municipal wastewater treatment to reduce water pollution in the district Samanco, Ancashto collect data for the survey method was used and also worked with the judgment of experts, The data collection instrument used were: a questionnaire, document analysis guides and a matrix evaluation of alternatives, We worked with a sample of the population were 270 families, each head of household being the unit of analysis. The study tools that are used to achieve the design of the new treatment process were: Statistical analysis averages, a tree diagram cause and effect, a selection matrix and analysis criticality, making from implementation of these tools the results that contributed to the design of a system of modern and efficient treatment that reduces or eliminates water pollution Samanco.


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How to Cite

Pajares Echevarria, G. R., Quiroz Marquina, W. ., Galarreta Oliveros, G. I. ., & Álvarez Lujan, B. . (2017). Process design of municipal wastewater treatment to reduce water pollution in the district Samanco. INGnosis, 3(1), 84–100.



Research Article