Beyond bullying: violent and disruptive behavior in high school adolescents from Guadalajara, Mexico
Bullying, Violence, Violent conduct, Disruptive behavior, School violenceAbstract
School violence in adolescents has been recognized as a complex problem that goes beyond bullying, encompassing disruptive and violent behaviors directed toward peers, teachers, and the institution itself. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of violent and disruptive behaviors in high school students in Guadalajara, Mexico, differentiating between occasional and recurrent violence. Methodology: A quantitative design was used, with a sample of 436 students between 15 and 19 years old, who responded to the School Violence Scale. The data were analyzed in terms of frequencies and percentages to determine the prevalence of general, occasional, and recurrent violence in three areas: against peers, teachers, and the institution. Results: The findings revealed that 23.7% of students reported having exercised some form of violence at least once. Occasional violence was more frequent than recurrent violence, especially in minor verbal and physical aggressions toward peers. Disruptive behaviors toward teachers and the school were less common, with higher prevalences in actions of annoyance and minor damage. Conclusion: Results suggested that although occasional school violence was prevalent, recurrent violence remained limited, indicating the need for specific preventive and intervention strategies to reduce violent behaviors in school settings.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro César Antonio Luna Bernal, Ana Cecilia Valencia Aguirre, José María Nava Preciado
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