Factors Motivating Academicians’ Work Engagement in HeNan province of China
Work engagement, loyalty behavior, career development, occupational stressAbstract
The present study is designed to propose a framework for the implementation of work engagement among academicians in the higher education institutions in HeNan province of China. Its aim is to motivate academicians serving higher education institutions to improve their work engagement, which can facilitate the development of university. The sample size for the study consists of 300 academicians and using SPSS software as an analysis tool to test the hypothesis, the constructed model has better stability. The proposed motivational factors are career development; occupational stress; work-life balance, and work-related well-being. Academicians’ loyalty is also included as mediating variable. The researcher has applied cross-sectional survey research to validate the framework. It is found that three factors (career development, occupational stress, work-related well-being) influenced work engagement significantly. On the other hand, academicians’ loyalty is influenced by the four factors. However, academicians’ loyalty did function significantly as mediating variable. It is recommended that management should provide great career development, reduce occupational stress and increase work-related well-being as important motivating factors for both academicians’ loyalty and work engagement. Thus, this paper contributes with the literature review for theories and future research directions for achieving a more profound understanding of the importance of academicians’ work engagement.
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