Experiential Learning to Build the Culture of Peace in Higher Education





Culture of Peace, Human Rights


The Mexican government has summoned the different universities of the country to reflect on the need to implement actions that allow achieving the construction of a project for the culture of peace, the UNESCO Clubs have elaborated a reflection worked by the Network of Associated Schools in different countries which focuses on a didactic model called experiential learning, integrated in the classrooms to which creative laboratories are appointed. A description is made of the foundation of the UNESCO Clubs, the contributions made by one of the UNESCO Clubs in Mexico. The evolution of the concept of negative peace and positive peace is mentioned to highlight the importance of the work of teachers as leaders and to promote a methodology in university classrooms that allows to build peace in the minds of the students and to be promoters of human rights and builders of a culture of peace, contributing to the creation of conditions that lead to a harmonious and peaceful coexistence.


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How to Cite

Rentería Castro, E. . (2021). Experiential Learning to Build the Culture of Peace in Higher Education. Espergesia, 8(2), 42–51. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v8i2.847