Effect of the variation in production on unemployment in Ecuador based on Okun's Law





Economic Growth, Unemployment, Okun's Law, ARMA Model, Ecuador


Variation in production and unemployment are key macroeconomic indicators for the economic development of an economy and are inversely related. For this reason, the Ecuadorian state periodically evaluates these indicators in an effort to improve the economic and social conditions of the population. This study aims to analyze the effect of production variation on unemployment in Ecuador, as it is important to understand how productive and quality jobs can be created, improve people's well-being, and contribute to economic and social development. In this context, using annual time series data from the year 2000 to 2022, an econometric analysis is proposed through a simple linear regression model, applying Okun's Law. Additionally, a univariate regression model is employed to predict Ecuador's economic growth for the year 2025. The results obtained adhere to the literature and show an inverse relationship between the variables under study; that is, a one-percentage-point increase in production variation reduces the unemployment rate by approximately 0.16 percentage points. Similarly, the projection result indicates that, by 2025, the Ecuadorian economy will grow by an average of 3.6%. In conclusion, the findings suggest that using Okun's Law methodology provides relevant information to examine the dynamics and relationship between the labor market and economic growth.


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How to Cite

Yela Burgos, R. T., Rivera Velasco, J. L., Leturne Macias, Y. M., & Moreira Macias, S. M. (2024). Effect of the variation in production on unemployment in Ecuador based on Okun’s Law. Espergesia, 11(1), 48–60. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v11i1.2894