The Evolution of Oil Exports in Ecuador’s Economic Growth




The present study is crucial to establish the link between oil exports and Ecuador’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), to provide empirical proof of the nation’s oil dependence. The research used a descriptive analysis of the exogenous variables (oil exports, foreign direct investment, and inflation) to establish their level of incidence in the endogenous variable (GDP). To determine the statistical influence between the study variables, a multiple linear regression model was estimated using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method through Stata statistical software. The influence on GDP was determined, creating validations on the independent variables, whose findings allowed us to confirm that there is a clear link between crude oil exports and gross domestic product, which affects the economic growth of the country. In this context, exports demonstrated a statistically significant positive effect, that is, for each additional unit of the oil exports variable, the expected effect will be, on average, an increase in gross domestic product.

Keywords: Economic Growth; Neoclassical; Gross Domestic Product; Econometric Model; Oil Exports.


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How to Cite

Bernal Yamuca, J. L., Rivera Velasco, J. L., Yela Burgos, R. T., Vera Valdiviezo, N. A., Barros Arechua, M. F., & Villafuerte Guamán, E. M. (2023). The Evolution of Oil Exports in Ecuador’s Economic Growth. Espergesia, 10(2), 79–89.