Characteristics and Social Function of Spiritism of Charity in Holguín-Cuba




Spiritism in Cuba arises from the syncretism between spiritual beliefs brought from North America and Europe, the animistic practices of Cuban indigenous people, Catholicism and the beliefs of Africans brought to the island as slaves. They mixed to conform the variants of Cuban spiritism that exist today, which form an important part of popular culture. In this article, we address one of the least-studied variants: Spritism of Charity, originating in eastern Cuba. We privilege qualitative data gathered through field research during 2015 and 2016 in six municipalities of the province of Holguín to describe in-depth and analyze the principle characteristics and social function of Spiritism of Charity. We compare them with other variants, especially Espiritismo de Cordón, whose ideas stand out prominently, along with the influence of the Kardecian doctrine in the conformation of the belief system and the fundamentally therapeutic-spiritual social function of Spiritism of Charity today.

Palabras clave: Spiritism in Cuba; Spiritualism of Charity; syncretism; spirituality.


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How to Cite

Enamorado Rodríguez, A., & Zaldívar Batista, A. (2022). Characteristics and Social Function of Spiritism of Charity in Holguín-Cuba. Espergesia, 9(2), 44–53.