Determinants of didactics in the virtual educational communication of Higher Education, COVID-19 context
This qualitative Participatory Action-Research study aims to analyze the influence of best practices and innovative activities in the virtual classroom, including specific action plans for subjects that allow, as a result, a substantial increase in the cognitive response of students. This is reflected through commitment and genuine interest that generates a space to enrich virtual educational communication. Some of the main premises or applications that resulted as findings show that curious professors stimulate and encourage curious students, this is a circle that starts consciously from the teacher; A comprehensive education focused on collaborative learning is directly related to growth in social-professional skills and human-intellectual skills; and, a teacher who is self-aware that there is a Learning Zone also for him, where he reflects, practices and studies. It is concluded that didactics is efficient if it is directly related to the attitude and enthusiasm that the teacher shows towards the content of the subject and consequently towards his student's Acting Zone.
Keywords: virtual educational communication; integral education; collaborative learning; didactic.
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