Extraction of sugar total reducers “ART” of “coronta” of Zea mays “yellow maize lasts”


  • Carlos León Torres Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Paola Florián Chamache Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • José Mostacero León Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Julio Arellano Barragán Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Cecilia Bardales Vásquez Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Perú
  • Enrique Martin Alva Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Luis Rodriguez Perez Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú
  • Francisco Villanueva Polo Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú


Extraction, Sugars Total reducers, Coronta, Zea mays


The alternative to use residual lignocelulósicos in the ethanol production and the singel cell protein production nowadays constitutes a highly promising possibility by its ample availability in the world. In this work, different hydrolysis methods of the residual lignocelulósico of “coronta” of Zea mays “yellow maize lasts” was to evaluate with the purpose of determining the method most appropriate for the extraction the sugar total reducers “ART” and power this to use it like substrate in fermentatives processes for the singel cell protein and bioetanol production. “coronta” dry and fractional of a particle size < 0,001 m and chemical, physical hydrolysis methods and the combination were evaluated of both using like extractantes solutions sterile summarizing distilled water, sulfuric acid and hidróxido of sodium to 1,25 %. The relationship coronta-solvent used in all the treatments was of 1:10. The determination sugars total reducers were carried out filtrates obtained of each one of the treatments using the method of Folin-Wu. The results indicate that the maximum concentration of sugar total reducers corresponding to 20,220 g/L is obtained after carrying out the mixed hydrolysis as resulting of the combination of the physical and chemical method.



How to Cite

León Torres, C., Florián Chamache, P., Mostacero León, J., Arellano Barragán, J., Bardales Vásquez, C., Martin Alva, E., Rodriguez Perez, L., & Villanueva Polo, F. (2011). Extraction of sugar total reducers “ART” of “coronta” of Zea mays “yellow maize lasts”. UCV-Scientia, 3(2), 214–218. Retrieved from http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/ucv-scientia/article/view/922




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