Plague in Trujillo City, before XX century


  • Santiago Benites Castillo Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Cecilia V. Romero Goicochea Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú



Plague, Trujillo city


An investigation was conducted historical type registration files of the city of Trujillo, to evaluate and determine as was the appearance of plague in the region, particularly freedom in the city of Trujillo, Peru in the early twentieth century, for that reason it was determined that there were cases of plague in Trujillo and in the Chicama valley area especially large hacienda House Chicama city. We conclude that it is possible that carriers of the disease were merchants who traveled from the affected regions using the usual routes to market from the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Reached Constantinople in 1347, and Paris and the south coast of England in the summer of 1348, and why not say the city of Trujillo, Peru. The main measures used to control the risk of epidemics are controlling rats and monitoring of disease in wild rodent populations aimed at informing people of the areas where zoonotic plague is active and to take precautions against mosquito bites flea and handling of dead animals while they are in plague-endemic areas. Avoid direct contact with infective tissues exposed to patients with pneumonic plague.



How to Cite

Benites Castillo, S., & Romero Goicochea, C. V. (2011). Plague in Trujillo City, before XX century. UCV-Scientia, 3(2), 187–191.

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