Potential resources “Santiago de Chuco” and his utilization to improve quality of life of his inhabitants


  • Ana T. Fernández Gill Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, La Libertad, Perú


Santiago de Chuco natural resources, Enterprising, Potential resources management, Agriculture and livestock associations


In this research work an assessment of the potential resources of the andean Peruvian city Santiago de Chuco of the region “La Libertad” to be used for the improvement of the quality of life of the local population has been carried out. The population was characterized according to the data of the 2005 ( and 2007) national census. By adapting the methodology of the proyect “Capacitación para el Desarrollo Económico Local”, CONCADEL (2006) and with the participation in worshops of the local population, community leaders and decision makers a economy history of Santiago de Chuco was made. It was undertaken observations of the land, an inventory of natural resources and identification of the potentialities (available lands, Communication roads, water sources, telecommunication and sanitary services, lakes, touristic and mining resources, producer associations, local population abilites). It was elaborated plans for the future and agreements to run the selected initiatives. The tendencies and on going and projected changes in the market were examined. The past process of agrarian reform of the 70`s and the promotion of the private investments of the 90´s changed the agriculture making it more mining dependent. There are key potential resources in agriculture, livestock hydrology (large lands, rivers, lakes) that with a technified agriculture and organized producers could be used to grow alternatives plants, pastures and forestation with native species. Regarding the human a social capital there are important producers associations (alpaca breeders, agriculture and livestock associations, conservationists, local weavers). Ther are also important land corridors for forestation and grain cultives, touristic, gastronomy archaeological resources, typical dances, craftsmanship. In mining the biggest gold reserves are located in Santiago de Chuco as well as of other important minerals. Opportunities to make trade on natural products (dyes, detergents, natural medicine, aromatic plants) are high.



How to Cite

Fernández Gill, A. T. (2011). Potential resources “Santiago de Chuco” and his utilization to improve quality of life of his inhabitants. UCV-Scientia, 3(1), 71–85. Retrieved from http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/ucv-scientia/article/view/891



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