National Drug Policy

impact on rational drug use in Peru


  • Carlos Alberto Minchón Medina Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú



Rational drug use, Public policy, Impact


Irrational drugs use in the population constitutes a public health problem. This thesis has been developed whit the purpose of determining whether the national drug policy of Peru has positive impact on the rational use of drugs in the country. The thesis is a health policy research within guidelines of the National Drug Policy at World Health Organization. Analysis of the Peruvian drug policy includes a retrospective and prospective approval of the National Drug Policy (2004), prospectively until 2006. The study material includes primary and secondary sources. Secondary sources are from official institutions: MINSA, DIGEMID, DIREMID-LA LIBERTAD, INEI-ENAHO and HBT. Own studies performed to supplement information. Data processing was performed with SPSS, version 15, and use descriptive statistical techniques an Z test for proportions comparisons. The impact of the Peruvian National Pharmaceutical Policy in the rational use of drugs is shown by indicators of prescribing, dispensing and use of drugs in the community. There is evidence of positive progress in addressing the problem of public health, but still the problem remains latent and deserves special attention from health authorities and greater commitment from the Peruvian Government.



How to Cite

Minchón Medina, C. A. (2010). National Drug Policy: impact on rational drug use in Peru. UCV-Scientia, 2(2), 82–90.

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