Clinical epidemiology profile of chronic kidney disease with hypertension, diabetes mellitus II, or both diseases. Albrecht's Hospital of EsSALUD, 2008


  • Evelyn Del Socorro Goicochea Ríos Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Ana María Chian García Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú



Chronic kidney disease, Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus II, Epidemiology


We conducted a descriptive study in the Albrecht's Hospital of EsSALUD, La Libertad in 2008 to meet the clinical epidemiology profile of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The population was 1291 patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus II, or both diseases. We used epidemiological record of service and Cockcroft Gault (CG) to determine the stages of CKD. The average age was 67 +/- 11.49 years, and predominantly female and the group of 61 to 80 years. The 32.69% of the population under study had no family history of the diseases described above, while 29.2% had family history of hypertension, history of NIDDM 16.3% and 11.31% of both conditions, 1.78% of ERC + AHT, and 1.47 % of CKD + NIDDM. The most common antecedents were obesity, NSAID use and smoking. The most frequent diagnosis was hypertension with 71.18%, NIDDM with 16.57% and 12.25% with both conditions. The prevalence of CKD in the study population was 37%, predominantly stage 3 (41%) and stage 2 (34%). Of all these patients, 78% have hypertension and more than 80% have nephroprotection, being the most widely used drug Enalapril.



How to Cite

Goicochea Ríos, E. D. S., & Chian García, A. M. (2010). Clinical epidemiology profile of chronic kidney disease with hypertension, diabetes mellitus II, or both diseases. Albrecht’s Hospital of EsSALUD, 2008. UCV-Scientia, 2(2), 61–72.

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