Experiential learning, for the learning in statistics in university students


  • Laura Margot Rivera León Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú




Experiential Learning, Test Kolb, Statistic learning, Learning styles


In this research it has been used the Experiential Learning developed by Kolb, for the learning in Statistics on Social Work students of the National University of Trujillo-Peru. We applied a pretest to students about statistics concepts and also the Kolb test for identify their learning styles. With this learning styles already identified it has been made instructional designs following the lineaments of the Experiential Learning method. The evaluation in the experiential learning of the course of statistics was applied procedimental and attitudinal instruments. In the pre test the students demonstrated more deficiencies in the knowledge of the estimation of the median based on a graph, the intuitive concept of variability and about the notion of aleatority. Of the four learning styles the Kolb, the most predominant learning style on Social Work students was the divergent one. The application of the Experiential Learning method through instructional designs increased the academic achievement of the students independently from the learning style (p<0.01).



How to Cite

Rivera León, L. M. (2010). Experiential learning, for the learning in statistics in university students. UCV-Scientia, 2(2), 111–117. https://doi.org/10.18050/revucv-scientia.v2i2.873

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