Public management of tourism in tourist satisfaction in the archaeological complex of Kuelap, Chachapoyas 2024




public management of tourism, tourist satisfaction, Kuelap Archaeological Complex, quality of services, marketing


The objective of this article was to establish the influence of public tourism management on tourist satisfaction in the Kuelap Chachapoyas Archaeological Complex in the year 2024. Regarding the justification, it is important to note that Kuelap has a great potential as a tourist destination in Peru, however, it faces important challenges in terms of infrastructure, cultural interpretation and coordination between the entities in charge of its management. Understanding how public management influences visitor satisfaction will allow you to identify areas for improvement and create effective plans to improve the visitor experience. Regarding the methodology, the work is basic, descriptive, and has a quantitative approach. The sample was made up of 82 operators and 82 tourists to whom surveys were administered. The main conclusion reached is that public management of tourism has a significant influence on tourist satisfaction, as demonstrated with a significance value of 0.002 (p < 0.05). This confirms that efficient and well-planned management can considerably improve the tourist experience. In this sense, tourists in Kuelap highly value public management that focuses on improving infrastructure, the quality of services, and involving the local community, which is reflected in their level of satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Quispe Valdivieso, J. . ., & Baldoceda Ponce, Y. A. (2024). Public management of tourism in tourist satisfaction in the archaeological complex of Kuelap, Chachapoyas 2024. UCV-Scientia, 16(1), 7–15.

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