Social family environment on teenagers with cancer and teenagers with benign tumors


  • Angela Domínguez Vergara Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú
  • Jessica Mendo Zelada Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú


Family social climate, Cancer, Benign tumors, Adolescents


The present comparative investigation had as an objective to study the differences of the familiar social climate between the adolescents who has cancer and the adolescents with benign tumors of the educational Regional Hospital of Trujillo in 2006. The Scale of the Social Climate in Family was used like measuring instrument (CSF) of R.H. Moos and E.J. Trickett standardized by C. Ruiz and E. Guerra (Lima, 1993). Population-it shows were represented by 17 adolescents with cancer and 43 adolescents with benign Tumors, whose ages oscillated between 13 to 18 years. For the analysis of the data statistical was used test t of Student. Finally, analyzing the results highly were significant differences in the areas cohesion and conflict between both groups. Were as well statistically significant differences in the intellectual-cultural area, morality-religiosity and organization.



How to Cite

Domínguez Vergara, A., & Mendo Zelada, J. (2007). Social family environment on teenagers with cancer and teenagers with benign tumors. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 9, 72–80. Retrieved from


