Assessment scale of change of Rhode Island University

Validation and reliability in drug-addicts


  • Miguel Vallejos Flores Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú
  • Cecilia Orbegoso Faccio Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Perú
  • Walter Capa Luque Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú


Cross-theoretical model, Stages and processes of change


This research has as objective to identify the validity and reliability of the assessment scale of change of Rhode Island University. In this study, a non probabilistic sample of 105 psychoactive- substanceaddicts men was used, whose ages fluctuate between 18 to 60 years old, being 91 from therapeutic communities and 22 from the city of Trujillo. The assessment scale of change of Rhode Island University presents an acceptable reliability for having gotten through the Alpha Cronbach (r= .81) and its validity was proved with the Exploring Factorial Analysis technique finding empirical evidence that supports the existence of four stages of change (pre- contemplative, contemplative, action and maintenance) for the assessment scale of change of Rhode Island University proposed by their authors originally.



How to Cite

Vallejos Flores, M., Orbegoso Faccio, C., & Capa Luque, W. (2007). Assessment scale of change of Rhode Island University: Validation and reliability in drug-addicts. Revista De Psicología (Trujillo), 9, 52–59. Retrieved from


